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Building a robust backlink profile is essential for SEO success. The best link building tools streamline this task by offering powerful outreach capabilities and advanced backlink analysis. These tools help identify potential link opportunities, manage outreach campaigns, and track the effectiveness of each link, making them indispensable for enhancing website authority and search engine visibility.

Our team has personally tested and curated this list of the best link building tools to help you make an informed decision. Each tool has been selected for its effectiveness and ease of use to boost your SEO efforts.

Respona is an all-in-one link building and outreach platform that automates the process of earning quality backlinks and enhancing digital PR efforts. It simplifies outreach by integrating contact finding, email personalization, and campaign management.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers a tiered pricing structure, accommodating various business sizes and needs, with specifics available on their pricing page.
  • Services: Features include automated link building, digital PR, and influencer outreach, along with tools for finding and verifying contact details for targeted outreach efforts.
  • Perks: Respona is celebrated for its automation of repetitive tasks, allowing users to focus on strategic aspects of outreach, and it includes unique AI-driven personalization for email campaigns.

URL Profiler is a versatile tool for SEOs that streamlines tasks like content and backlink auditing, email harvesting, and social data analysis. It’s capable of processing large volumes of URLs quickly to gather the required SEO data efficiently.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers a 14-day free trial, with further pricing details available on their website.
  • Services: Specializes in a wide array of tasks including content auditing, link analysis, and gathering social engagement data, with no limits on the number of URLs processed.
  • Perks: Notable for its speed and ability to integrate multiple data sources, URL Profiler is a significant time-saver in SEO workflows, providing in-depth analytics and reports on various metrics.

LinkStorm is a revolutionary software designed to help SEOs and site owners optimize and maximize their internal linking campaigns.

With AI at its core, this innovative tool suggests contextually relevant internal links, uncovers internal linking issues on the site and supports users in anchor text optimization. Gone are the days of manually flipping through web pages and searching for internal link opportunities.

LinkStorm is your key to streamlined internal link management, ensuring your website’s top-notch SEO performance through effective internal linking.


The price starts at $30 per month, and it comes with unlimited projects and websites, a maximum of 1000 URLs checked, and 1000 credits for monthly page analysis.

Want to test the waters? Try LinkStorm for FREE.

Perks & Services

  • Comprehensive internal link analysis: LinkStorm thoroughly crawls your website, analyzing content and internal link structure to provide a detailed overview of your internal linking status.
  • Intelligent internal linking: Using AI-assisted algorithms, LinkStorm suggests internal link opportunities on your site based on contextual relevance and semantic analysis.
  • Identify internal linking problems: Dealing with broken links, no-follows, and redirects? LinkStorm can uncover the issues plaguing your internal linking campaigns.
  • Anchor text optimization: Diversify and create keyword-rich anchor texts on your site with LinkStorm’s Anchor feature.
  • SEO enhancement: LinkStorm assists in boosting your site’s SEO performance and health through effective internal link management.
  • Time Efficiency: Using LinkStorm significantly reduces the time and effort required to build internal links, especially for large sites with extensive content.
  • Try for free: Want to try LinkStorm before you pay? Explore the tool now for free— no commitments, no credit card requirement.

IndexCheckr is an innovative toolkit designed to help users check the indexing status of web pages on Google. If pages are not indexed, the tool verifies the website’s index status at no extra cost.

From scheduling automatic checks to submitting pages to indexers, IndexCheckr is a specialized, user-friendly tool designed for proactive monitoring that boosts SEO efficiency.

IndexCheckr is an essential tool for SEO professionals, website owners, and link builders to support their SEO campaigns.


IndexCheckr requires no subscription. You can buy credits (1 credit = 1 check) according to your needs. The price starts at $15 for 2,000 credits.

Try IndexCheckr now with FREE 50 credits.

Perks & Services

  • Domain and page index checks: IndexCheckr verifies the indexing status of individual pages and even entire sites without additional fees.
  • Automated checks and notifications: Users can also schedule automatic checks and receive email updates when a page is indexed or deindexed.
  • Detailed records: Each indexing check is logged with timestamps, providing users with a comprehensive history of page statuses.
  • Data export: Export detailed reports and data in CSV format, which is ideal for analysis and presentations.
  • Integration with indexers: Directly connect with popular indexing services like IndexMeNow and Omega Indexer to submit pages for indexing.
  • No subscription required: Purchase credits on a pay-as-you-go basis with no recurring fees, allowing easy budget management.

Semrush is a comprehensive digital marketing tool that offers a wide array of functionalities for improving online visibility and marketing analytics. It caters to various client needs, from freelancers to large enterprises.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers various plans, starting from a budget-friendly option for freelancers up to advanced solutions for large enterprises. Detailed pricing is available on their website.
  • Services: Provides extensive services including keyword research, site audits, competitor analysis, traffic analytics, and more, known for delivering detailed and actionable insights.
  • Perks: Features a vast keyword database and advanced competitive analysis tools, offering unique functionalities like Keyword Gap analysis and SEO Content Template to boost SEO and content marketing strategies.

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool that helps users to grow their search traffic, research their competitors, and monitor their niche. It is trusted by marketers globally for its robust toolset that includes everything from site audits to content exploration.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers flexible pricing plans tailored to different needs, from individuals to large enterprises, providing a detailed breakdown on their pricing page.
  • Services: Ahrefs includes keyword research, site audits, competitor analysis, content exploration, and rank tracking, providing in-depth insights to help users refine their SEO strategies.
  • Perks: Notable for its large database of keywords and extensive SEO metrics, Ahrefs offers unique features like Keyword Gap analysis and an SEO Content Template to enhance SEO and content marketing initiatives.

Hunter is a specialised tool designed for finding and verifying email addresses, making it easier for professionals to connect and engage with relevant contacts. It provides efficient email outreach solutions to streamline communication strategies.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Hunter offers a free plan with basic features and various paid plans that provide more comprehensive services, detailed on their pricing page.
  • Services: The platform includes services like domain search, email finding, and email verification, allowing users to streamline their outreach and data collection processes.
  • Perks: Known for its precision and extensive database, Hunter helps users save time and improve their outreach efficiency with features like bulk tasks and integration capabilities.

BuzzStream is a comprehensive digital PR and link-building solution that automates and enhances outreach efforts. It is designed to help teams build relationships and manage campaigns efficiently, making it a popular choice for marketers and agencies worldwide.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Provides various pricing tiers to accommodate different types of users, with detailed pricing available on their website.
  • Services: Offers a suite of services including link building, digital PR, content promotion, and influencer outreach, all designed to improve outreach effectiveness.
  • Perks: BuzzStream is praised for its CRM-like capabilities in managing relationships and communications, ensuring no contacts or opportunities are lost, and facilitating personalized outreach at scale.

BuzzSumo is a premier tool for content discovery, influencer outreach, and competitive research, offering insights into what content performs best for any topic or competitor. It is a favourite among marketers for crafting compelling content strategies.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers various pricing plans, including discounts for annual payments, detailed on their pricing page.
  • Services: BuzzSumo facilitates content discovery, influencer engagement, and performance analysis across social platforms, helping users to track and engage with trends in real-time.
  • Perks: Renowned for its comprehensive database and advanced filtering options, it aids in identifying and analyzing top-performing content, making it easier for users to optimize their content strategy effectively.

Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is now part of Connectively, a platform that facilitates connections between journalists, PR professionals, and subject matter experts to share information and resources for media stories.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers various subscription levels, including some free features, with more detailed pricing available on their website.
  • Services: Connectively provides a service where journalists can submit queries to find expert sources, and experts can browse these queries to offer insights, enhancing media and content creation.
  • Perks: Known for its vast network and real-time updates, it allows PR professionals and experts to quickly find and respond to relevant media opportunities, enhancing their visibility and media engagement.

Postaga is an AI-powered outreach platform designed to enhance sales and link building. It streamlines the outreach process by identifying opportunities and automating communications.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers a 14-day free trial with comprehensive features, catering to various business needs.
  • Services: Specializes in automated outreach campaigns, including link building, guest posting, and finding podcast opportunities, leveraging AI to optimize contact and content relevance.
  • Perks: Known for saving users time with its AI-assisted campaign management, which significantly simplifies the outreach process, ensuring more effective engagement and follow-ups.

Pitchbox is a link building and influencer outreach platform tailored for SEO professionals, agencies, and brands. It enhances outreach campaigns through streamlined prospecting, targeted emailing, and efficient follow-up processes.

Perks and Services:

  • Price: Offers a free demo and various pricing plans suitable for different user needs, details of which can be accessed on their website.
  • Services: Specializes in prospecting, influencer outreach, and content marketing automation, integrating with major SEO and data tools to ensure high-quality prospects.
  • Perks: Pitchbox is celebrated for its automation capabilities, allowing users to customize outreach and manage large volumes of contacts effectively, boosting efficiency and response rates.

Ready to Enhance Your SEO?

We hope this list of expert-approved link building tools propels your SEO strategy forward. Dive in, explore these resources, and start building high-quality links that can significantly improve your search engine rankings. If you have questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us. Happy link building!

Luke Hickman

Luke is a digital marketing specialist at Bird since 2017, handling over 100 projects across various sectors. Skilled in SEO, PPC, and strategic planning, he delivers customized solutions to boost online presence and engagement for clients. If you would like your tool to be added to our list, please contact us at this email: [email protected].